Is Heated Yoga and Fitness More Effective?

Original Bikram Hot Yoga devotees know that sweating in a hot room -typically 105 degrees with 40 percent humidity - increases your flexibility, enhances your heart health, helps you sweat so your skin glows, your heart pumps, your mood improves, and your energy rises. Our fitness, sculpt and blend classes use the same principles at a lower heat to add just enough intensity to be effective to your workout.

Moving in a hot environment speeds up your blood flow and makes your cardiovascular system work harder to trigger changes that can improve your health, such as strengthening your heart and lowering your blood pressure. It also adds intensity to your movement without having to add high impact on the joints. Though your liver, kidneys and spleen are the primary source to process toxic chemicals you’ve been exposed to, the increase in blood flow during heated exercise helps speed the process.

When you consistently move in the heat (frequency), your body will start to adjust to the higher temperatures by sweating more and lowering your heart rates. You will also produce more hemoglobin, a protein that helps shuttle oxygen to the muscles, which can help improve their speed in both hot and temperate environments.

So while the heat is challenging, it is so effective and efficient at improving your overall fitness and both mental and physical health (see our blog for the Mental Health benefits study). Be sure to come prepared for the best experiences in the Heat:

1. Come hydrated

2. Pay attention to how you feel in any class

3. Move slowly and mindfully

4. Breathe calmly

5. Sit and take breaks as needed, especially in your first few classes until you begin to acclimate to the temp.


Ditch the Fitness TRENDS and stay with what actually works!